V7: Risk Management Review: Dealing with Difficult Patients

Every time Dr. Melinda Bolden saw a message on her desk to call Marlis Burnside, she cringed. The doctor had treated Ms. Burnside for a variety of conditions (onychomycosis, plantar warts, trimming nails and calluses) for about six years. Even though each treatment had been clinically successful, nothing was ever right according to Ms. Burnside. … Read more

V7: Risk Management Review: The Consequences of Altering Charts

Carmen Diaz was a 42-year-old corporate trainer for a large department store chain. She was unmarried and spent two out of every four weeks on the road. She lived out of suitcases in hotels and spent a lot of time on her feet, presenting training seminars and standing in line at airports. When she developed … Read more

V7: Risk Management Review: Maintaining Confidentiality

Nelda Templeton went to see Lloyd Minor, DPM, about the painful hammertoes she’d had for years. They were becoming increasingly painful and she decided now was the time to take care of them. Dr. Minor had been treating Mrs. Templeton with conservative measures for years and now agreed to do the surgery. However, he recommended … Read more

V7: Case Study 4: Successful Documentation

The podiatric physician’s perspective My name is Amanda Curley and I’ve been a podiatric physician since 1987. I think I have been a role model for several young women I know who have followed in my footsteps. I practice in a group with three other podiatric physicians. We have a very healthy practice. We recently … Read more

V7: Case Study 3: Improving Informed Consent

The podiatric physician’s perspective I’m Fred Herrick. After graduation from podiatric medical school almost three years ago, I opened my own practice. It’s been a bit of a struggle making a go of it, since I don’t have a lot of experience running a business. I haven’t been able to attract as many new patients … Read more

V7: Methods, Management and Mastery – Introduction

As a podiatric physician, you face challenges every day, and your choices are critical to providing the finest, safest patient care possible. Raising your awareness of risk management techniques and methods and applying them to your daily decision-making processes helps to minimize your potential exposure to a malpractice claim. DT Podiatric Risk Management Course—Volume 7: Methods, … Read more

V6: Risk Management Review: Office Environment and Patient Safety

Patient expectations develop before the patient even comes through your front door for the first time. Most patients have already looked up you and your practice on the Internet before they make an appointment. They can look up your credentials and your reputation and even see an actual street view of your office. On that … Read more

V6: Case Study 4: Recognizing Pulmonary Embolism

The podiatric physician’s perspective My name is Peter Compton, and I am a podiatrist. After I graduated from podiatric medical school and did a surgical residency, I joined my brother in practice in our hometown. He had been practicing for five years, and his podiatric practice was very busy. He was happy to have a … Read more